
The Best Cycling Snacks

by Shopify API on Jun 11, 2015

best cycling snacks

Bicyclists, this post is for you! Since cycling burns TONS of calories, you’ll need to make sure that you have the proper reserves to energize your body. Whether you simply like to go on long, relaxing rides or have a need for speed, there are certain types of foods that are crucial to making the most out of your workout. Read on for our advice to help you find the right types of the best cycling snacks to help you power through your next bike ride!

Our Selections of the Best Cycling Snacks

Carbs are King!
Don’t be afraid to welcome some carbohydrates into your diet, especially when you’re cycling. Carbohydrates make for some of the best cycling snacks that you can have before or after your ride. However, it is crucial that you select the right carbs to help you achieve the results you’re looking for. Try to stay away from foods such as pasta and rice, as they contain higher amounts of fat that will slow you down. Instead, opt for healthier snacks that you can actually take with you on your bike, such as bagels, energy bars or even some Crispy Fruit!

Pack in the Protein
Protein is super important for those who are cycling. Many cyclists look for snacks such as Beef Jerky, which is a nice alternative to your hum-drum granola bar. Beef (or even turkey) jerky is also full of electrolytes as an added bonus. Just be sure to purchase the all-natural variety to cut out some excess additives and preservatives! Some other best cycling snacks that have tons of protein are Greek yogurt or Whey Protein shakes. Have one before or after your ride for the added boost your body needs!

You should be sure to carry a sports drink with you to ensure that you stay hydrated and replenish your body with electrolytes throughout your ride. Electrolytes are actually important minerals that carry an electrical charge. In other words, they are salts that your cells use to carry electrical impulses throughout your body (now how’s that for a science lesson)! So grab a Gatorade or even a Coconut Water along with your regular water bottle next time you set out on a grueling bike ride.

Energy Gels
There is no denying that Energy Gels have grown immensely in popularity over the past several years, and many cycling experts argue that they make for some of the best cycling snacks on the market today. Not quite sure what they are? Energy gels allow for a quick burst of energy when your body needs it most, especially on long rides. There are now also energy chews, which offer the same benefits as the gels. Take them before, during or after your bicycle workout to help you power through and recover!

More Best Cycling Snacks
If you have any other suggestions of the best cycling snacks for long bike rides, please feel free to comment below and share them with us!

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